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Before you leave, there’s one more thing!

Did you know there is an excellent book you can have for obtaining a Private Pilot License?

Our eBook gives you insights on getting a private pilot license and choosing aviation as a profession.

Nevertheless, to become a pilot, you need to learn about aeronautics and take exams.

  • The common complaint from students getting a pilot license is that aeronautics is overwhelming for them.
  • The course is accelerated and gives them a hard time to grasp.

As a result, many drop out halfway through their training. This is a complete waste of money due to poor decision-making early on.

Without preparation beforehand, the circumstances might be similar for you!

Thus, if you’re genuinely interested in getting a pilot license, the best thing you can do is get a book on aeronautics for pilots and begin reading. Preparation and planning are the Keys!

private pilot study materials

Therefore, I emphasize getting this book and immersing yourself in the realm of aviation and flying. It’s an investment before you embark on your aviation journey.

For a better outcome from your training, I recommend a book by Rod Machado. Rod has superb articulating abilities and is one of the best instructors in the field. As I mentioned earlier, with inflation imminent, you must make intelligent decisions and don’t spend your money on a whim.