Zero wages yet numerous benefits with a Private Pilot License.

After reading this article, you will know what you can do precisely with a private pilot license and the actions that will keep boredom away from your life.
Take steps to grow as a competent pilot, yet keep your flying filled with exciting experiences.
Whether you want to fly for a hobby or build hours for your commercial pilot license, your first move is to get a private pilot license.
With a PPL, you cannot conduct a commercial flight, hence no payroll. Although you have no salary, you can operate pleasant flights with friends & family.
Follow any three of these steps and implement them in your hour-building goals, your flying will get much more fun, and you will learn many new things.
It also depends on how much cash you have to spend on flying because, at this stage, you will not make money flying an airplane.
Nevertheless, the private pilot license gives you the privilege of experiencing more flying hours.
Eventually, you will build sufficient hours as a pilot in command to apply for a commercial pilot license.
What can you do with a PPL? Ten steps to becoming a competent and safer pilot.
Understand this; There are no career opportunities with only a PPL, as it is only the initial step for becoming a commercial pilot.
You cannot secure money with a private pilot license unless you have gained adequate experience and a few essential ratings.
The aviation authority issues a private license to individuals who only intend to fly for pleasure.
Hence additional rating with a PPL is crucial in becoming a safer pilot. Several other elements will make you a fantastic pilot.
At the same time, you will not be bored building hours or doing the same maneuvers repeatedly.
First, list the goals you want to accomplish or do as a pilot before receiving your commercial pilot license.
If you have your goals set and determined, nothing can stop you from achieving all those goals.
I am not telling you to set some obscure goals. Choose something achievable and not beyond your piloting skills.
Something that is entirely achievable merely as a private pilot.
Here is a list of things you can do to keep your flying interesting and not obscure at all.
A private pilot license will allow you to savor the beauty and challenges of flying.
A private pilot licensee can fly any airplane if he has additional ratings. Yet, depending on a Civil Aviation Body, some restrictions might be implemented for PPL holders, such as limited to operating airplanes below a certain weight.
A private pilot has many privileges, such as flying to destinations with friends and family, yet cannot work in a commercial airplane for hire.
This license restricts pilots from employment as an airman.
If a private pilot acquired their PPL flying only in a Cessna 172, he is limited to only operating a Cessna 172 until he gets an additional rating.
I used the example of the Cessna 172 because it is the most popular training aircraft.
Why is that?
Because Cessna 172 is considered the safest airplane for student pilots.
Nevertheless, many other safe single-engine airplanes are built to train aspiring pilots.
What is an additional rating for pilots?
An additional rating means the pilot is trained to operate a different aircraft type in particular circumstances.
To get an additional rating, private pilot has to familiarize themself with the instruments, control, and maneuverability of a specific airplane under the supervision of a certified flight instructor.
Once the pilot finishes flying the minimum required hours in another type of airplane and is familiar with the controls, the private pilot will be ready to obtain his additional rating.
Every time a private pilot wants to fly a different aircraft type, s/he will have to acquire the additional type ratings.
Read more about additional type ratings.
Hence if a people holder has an additional type rating for a multi-engine aircraft, then he can certainly fly a multi-engine aircraft without any restriction.
The pilot can fly with more passengers by having an additional type rating for a multi-engine aircraft.
However, the same rule for not working on commercial flights applies to the private pilot.
RELATED: How to get flight hours as a pilot?
Ratings after PPL.
That is how you can make your flying experience more exciting and fun.
Additional ratings early in building flight hours can develop many piloting skills in you.
For becoming a competent pilot, learning new stuff is as crucial as developing skills.
I continuously learn new things, and facing challenges during a flight will teach me to keep my composure in all situations.
As a pilot, becoming used to various flying conditions is essential.
That can be improved by flying different aircraft types and receiving additional ratings soon after.
- What should I study to become a pilot?
- Private pilot ground school online.
- Student pilot essentials.
- Private pilot license training materials.
1. Fly to destinations you have never been to before.
You have your private pilot license and the pilot in command of your aircraft.
So who will stop you from flying to a new destination except yourself?
Get a map and do the work.
Find airports you have never been to, or look for an airport further than 300 nautical miles from your base.
Going to a new airport will allow you to experience a different class of airspace and may undergo a different kind of weather, flying further than usual.
Flying a small aircraft and controlling the plane for such a long time will give you a new feel.
Being in a new destination will give you the feeling of being a fresh pilot again.
Do not fear; do not hesitate to get the map and plotter to create your navigational flight plan and go for it.
2. Get your instrument rating.
Now that you are flying further than your usual airstrips, it is time to get your instrument rating.
Why is that?
An instrument rating will give you the privilege of flying in instrument meteorological conditions, similarly during nighttime.
Once you have an instrument rating, you will discover how to fly the aircraft, only relying on the aircraft’s instruments.
An instrument rating is a must-have element for airline pilots.
An instrument rating as early as after people and regularly flying in low visibility will aid your airline job.
Apart from preparing for the airline, you will experience the beauty of flying at night.
Flying at night and in poor weather conditions will extend your piloting skills to another level.
It is a step up when you know how to fly during lousy weather yet safely maneuver the airplane through the clouds.
And flying during the night in good weather, although relying on instruments only, you will get to feel the difference in airspace and airfield.

Why are night flights so different?
Because during the night there is less traffic, and all the other things are very calm.
The weather is more relaxed, and the air is more apparent. So flying during the night can be a beautiful experience for you.
Flying at night and looking at the same landscape in a different color can be overwhelming.
You will build new skills as a pilot similarly to avoid boredom.
3. Fly a multi-engine aircraft.
You are flying to new destinations. You have landed in airports that are further than your usual airports.
Now it is time to step up. You can get your multi-engine aircraft type rating.
Which multi-engine aircraft to choose?
Choose a multi-engine aircraft available for you to train in and rent after you get your additional type rating.
What happens after you get your multi-engine aircraft license?
Usually, multi-engine airplanes are faster than single-engine aircraft. So now, with much more speed and endurance, you may fly more than 300 nautical miles.
Maybe it is time to pack a bag, take some friends and go to a different state for a weekend.
With a sufficient baggage area and more passenger capacity, flying a multi-engine aircraft to take a holiday is not bad.
You are the pilot in command and paying for the fuel. What is stopping you now?
That way, you can experience flying with passengers aboard and learn to become a responsible pilot.
I believe flying with friends will not be boring at all.
4. Make your flying more complex.
You know how to fly longer legs. You have learned to fly using instruments only.
What you can do now is you can fly an instrument-rated multi-engine aircraft to new destinations.
This stage is a combination of all the earlier stages.
If you want to become a better pilot, you have to analyze tricky situations.
Fly to airports and new airspace at night with your multi-engine airplane.
New activities will be even more exciting, and you can consider yourself a better pilot than many other pilots at your stage.
5. Find someone to fly with you as a co-pilot.
If you have already achieved your multi-engine type rating, it is time to look for a co-pilot.
By saying that, I do not mean you have to hire someone to be your co-pilot.
What I meant is to make a lot of friends in aviation. Make friends with pilots and anyone working in the aviation industry.
Anyone interested in talking about airplanes and flying is an aviation enthusiast.
Take this kind of person to fly with you. You have a multi-engine aircraft to fly now.
Keep your new pilot friend as your co-pilot. He will happily fly with you.
Often flying with a co-pilot helps a lot. A co-pilot can find your mistakes and correct them.
A co-pilot will be a lot of help in stressful situations.
Flying with a co-pilot in your multi-engine airplane may teach you about cockpit management.
Maneuvering a sophisticated aircraft can be more comfortable using the help of a co-pilot.
Having a co-pilot will train you to become a better pilot and have safer flights overall.
6. Aerobatic aircraft rating.
Let me guess;
You have got 100 hours of flying time now.
Are you getting a bit bored?
I suppose not, but if you are not enjoying flying as much as you did initially, you can take an aerobatic aircraft rating.
Taking a rating in an aerobatic aircraft will take your airplane maneuvering skills to a new level.
Flying an aerobatic aircraft, you will push your body to its limit and still control the plane.
How can aerobatic aircraft ratings help you?
You train to keep calm when you learn to fly an aerobatic aircraft.
I hope not, but if you face a situation where your general aviation aircraft is in an unusual position, you will not lose your calm.
Instead, you will think properly, and your aerobatic skills will come in handy.
You can bring the aircraft back to its original position quicker and easier than any other pilot.
And most importantly, you will never be bored with flying aerobatic aircraft.
You will build hours having fun in the sky.

7. Participate in air races.
You have got your aerobatic flying skills. It is time to participate in air races now.
I am not saying you must have to do this. What I am stating is participating in air races is a lot more complicated.
Participating in an air race means pushing yourself outside your comfort zone.
And the more you push yourself outside your comfort zone, the better you will get.
Remembering that you will always not hesitate to participate in an air race.
Participating in an air race and flying at full throttle with many other aircraft around you will sharpen your skills as a pilot even more.
Watching the video below may inspire you to compete in an air race in the future.
What after a private pilot license?
To become a better pilot, you must fly in different conditions and face new challenges.
Whether you become a pilot for recreation or an airline pilot, the steps mentioned above will help you continue flying.
Continue flying without ever getting weary of repeating the same conditions.
Another factor to consider is money. Flying an airplane requires renting and paying for the fuel.
For many people, it is pretty expensive; some may not.
The steps I have mentioned above definitely are not for free. Those steps will require money.
I know many student pilots quit flying due to a shortage of money. But there are techniques as well to reduce the cost of flying.
It’s nice that you mentioned how a private pilot license would allow you to savor the beauty and challenges of flying. I’ve always been very interested in flying a plane and I think I should take this opportunity to learn now. With that in mind, I am planning to take a private pilot training course.