Study materials for Private Pilot License (PPL) training.
Can’t decide which book to buy to have all the wisdom in one place? Looking at lists of study materials for a private pilot license can be frustrating. Unfortunately, no such book compiles all the aeronautical knowledge to obtain a private pilot license. But if you’re smart, you can pair multiple books to sharpen your aviation knowledge.

Apart from books, a student pilot needs essential equipment and items for private pilot license training.

Private Pilot Handbook.
Rod Machado.
A 704-page long book with extreme depth of aeronautical knowledge in an easy language. Effortlessly learn & comprehend topics like never before using illustrations & images.
Price: $ 84.95

Private Pilot/Commercial Handbook
A 704-page long book with extreme depth of aeronautical knowledge in an easy language.
Price: $ 84.95

FAR/AIM 2023
Rules & regulations make Aviation a safer place. Learn to comply with laws and conduct safer flights.
Price: $ 26.96

Private Pilot/Commercial Handbook
A 704-page long book with extreme depth of aeronautical knowledge in an easy language.
Price: $ 84.95

Private Pilot/Commercial Handbook
A 704-page long book with extreme depth of aeronautical knowledge in an easy language.
Price: $ 84.95
What are the only study materials you need to buy to get your private pilot license?
Assuming most student pilots are on a budget, I listed the study materials that are reasonably priced. Also, I included some free alternatives that you can find online. Here are the following study materials:
- Private/Commercial pilot handbook by Rod Machado to learn aeronautical subjects in depth;
- ASA private pilot test prep+ to practice answering multiple choice questions and answers;
- How to fly an airplane handbook by Rod Machado to master practical flying;
- An oral exam guide to prepare for the private pilot checkride.
- FAR/AIM to refer to FAA regulation and Aerodrome information as necessary.
For each book, I mentioned a FREE alternative that you can find online. Likewise, I gave details about why each book is necessary for private pilot license training. So you’ll know where you are spending your hard-earned cash.
Many student pilots like collecting aviation books, and many never study them. I say save your money for something better.
Each book is necessary to improve in different stages of private pilot training. You can purchase all seven books at once or buy them in order as you progress toward a private pilot license.
All these books are acceptable for pilot training in the United States and Globally.
It’s crucial to grasp the right resources to excel at pilot training.
Private/Commercial pilot handbook by Rod Machado to learn aeronautical subjects in depth.
The Private pilot handbook is the first book you must buy to become a private pilot.
You’ll get an introduction to the fundamental of aeronautics from this book. Without studying an aeronautical handbook, you shall not begin your flight training.
You may acquire knowledge from an online PPL ground school and get an endorsement for the FAA private pilot knowledge test, but reading a book makes facts more rational.
You may pass your FAA private pilot knowledge test by taking an online ground school, but a private pilot handbook will further boost your aviation knowledge.
Rod Macahdo did an excellent job of using humor and transparent language to discuss topics in this book.
If you intend to become a competent pilot, there is no better option than reading books and applying in actual flying.
Rod Machado is a pioneer in the aviation training industry and an excellent flight instructor. He authored this handbook for both private and commercial pilot training.
Student pilots need to begin somewhere, and the place to initiate training is by reading this handbook.
This book contains aeronautical information relevant to pilots and safe flight operations.
The biggest setback for student pilots is they find aeronautical subjects overwhelming. Apart from that, authors use tricky language to make studying even harder.
This private pilot handbook stands out from its competition because of its author. Rod Machado is best known for using easy-to-understand and non-monotonous language.
Rod Machado is renowned for his ability to articulate and instill information for novice pilots.
On the contrary, the book has hundreds of illustrations and occasional jokes from Rod Machado to keep studying entertaining.
To become a private pilot, you’ve to study multiple matters you were unaware of before. Thus learning becomes challenging. However, this handbook is best for aspiring pilots for private pilot license training.
Most pilots recommend the Jeppesen private pilot manual for private pilot license training. Undoubtedly, this is one of the best books out there.
Nevertheless, I’m not fond of the Jeppesen private pilot manual. Indeed, the book has excellent images and illustrations, but I find the language much more demanding to understand.
I suggest beginning pilot training with something easy to understand and remember. Hence, the only alternative to Rod Machado’s private pilot handbook is the Pilot’s handbook of aeronautical knowledge.
It has useful facts and essential detail to get your private pilot license. However, this book is only helpful for getting a private pilot license and no further.
The best part is you can find this book for FREE on FAA’s website. If you want a hard copy, you can order it online.
ASA private pilot test prep+ to practice answering multiple-choice questions and answers.
You finished the private pilot ground school and got your endorsement to take the private pilot knowledge test.
You must pass the FAA private pilot knowledge test to obtain a private pilot license. It’s a straightforward exam that checks your knowledge of aeronautics.
You could answer all the questions by studying the books I mentioned above.
The challenge most student pilots face during the exam is answering all sixty questions in the given period.
But do you know how to prepare for your FAA private pilot knowledge test?
All you need is one book to practice and sharpen your aeronautical knowledge.
The ASA private pilot test prep+ is an MCQ-style book with correct answers to understand topics better.
Use this book to learn what questions to expect in your private pilot knowledge test. Practice answering the questions in this book and know the why behind a correct answer.
Many PART 61 student pilots take flying as a hobby and encounter a theory exam after a long time. Student pilots who have already forgotten the sense of taking a written exam must practice ahead of time.
To experience the feeling of taking the MCQ exam, you need a Private pilot knowledge test prep.
The book has hundreds of questions on aeronautical subjects and prepares you for the exam.
Nevertheless, I recommend all student pilots practice using this book to cement aeronautical cases.
Study this book like you are taking a mock test. Look for the correct information in the right column to understand why an answer is wrong. That way, the facts will get drilled into your brain.
Consider this book as a mock test for the private pilot license written exam.
Practising using this book instils knowledge further and makes it difficult to forget once you learn.
As a result, you’re ready to pass your private pilot knowledge test. This book also includes software for taking mock tests on your PC.
There is an alternative to ASA’s private pilot test prep+. Gleim’s test prep is also an excellent choice for practicing for the private pilot knowledge test.
The last option I recommend that compliments Rod Machado’s private/commercial pilot handbook is the eWorkbook by Rod Machado.
Using this workbook and the handbook is also an excellent way to understand and memorize topics.
I decided to add this book to the list because the FAA frequently changes questions in their question bank, and if you only memorize answers to a specific question, you would have a hard time answering questions in the exam.
Using this workbook is a perfect alternative to prepare for unseen questions.
What issues may you face without studying this book?
Many student pilots underestimate the importance of knowledge test prep before the exam. Without practising this book, they have no clue what they will see in the written exam.
Even though they studied the private pilot handbook and had the intellect, they failed to process the correct answer within the limited time.
In this situation, student pilots become more confused and answer incorrectly. As a result, many student pilots fail the private pilot knowledge test.
“How to fly an airplane handbook” to understand flight operations and become competent in actual flying.
Flying an aircraft is the only way to sharpen your flight manoeuvres and operation skills. However, it isn’t apparent how reading books can contribute to student pilots’ flight performance.
Many student pilots naturally acquire flying skills quickly, and others have difficulty getting their first solo flight.
For some student pilots, the situation can be embarrassing.
Instead of discussing with others how they got their solo flight quickly, get your hands on “How to fly an airplane handbook” by Rod Machado. This book teaches simple tips and tricks and how to apply them to become a better pilot.
Many student pilots fly for hours with flight instructors yet fail to perfect airplane landing.
In VFR flights, the landing begins even before entering the traffic pattern.
One mistake leads to another and, finally, a lousy landing. With little changes to how you manoeuvre the aircraft during and timing, a turn can significantly improve your touchdown.
A flight instructor can’t explain all the details during a flight, but if you read a flying handbook, you’ll know every tiny detail about controlling an aircraft.
The FAA requires 40 hours of flying time, 20 hours solo and 20 hours dual, to become eligible for a private pilot license. The reality is far from this. Student pilots in America fly around 60 hours to get their private pilot license.
Student pilots’ most prominent issue is landing an aircraft smoothly. If you can’t land a plane safely even after a hundred hours of flying time, your flight instructor would never release you for solo flights.
Student pilots who take longer to get their first solo flight flies more hours than the required 40 hours to obtain a private pilot license, and the entire process becomes lengthier.
Study the How to fly an airplane flying handbook to make learning quicker and safer for airplane operations.
- The book will teach you the aircraft limits and to what point you can maneuver an aircraft.
- This book boosts your confidence.
- You’ll notice the tiny things that matter that you ignored before.
I suggest everyone utilize this book during their flight training. How can you do so?
- On every flight, note where you struggle the most;
- After each flight, refer to the note and study the chapter where it explains your flying problems;
- After reviewing that chapter, apply your new lessons during your next flight;
- Practice regularly to become better at flying.
Every student pilot has difficulty controlling the airplane at the beginning of flight training.
The worst part is when a student pilot struggles to descend and maintain the centerline while steadily landing the aircraft.
A student pilot doesn’t know the simple tricks to operate an aeroplane smoothly.
The How to Fly an Airplane Handbook provides many simple yet helpful tips for smooth flights.
A flight instructor doesn’t always remember every necessary information to share with student pilots during flight training. I don’t blame flight instructors for doing so because student pilots are also responsible for learning from different sources.
Therefore, reading and learning from a book like this can drastically enhance your flight performance.
Imagine learning everything from your flight instructor; you can’t be further from the truth.
Your flight instructor may be an excellent pilot but doesn’t have the moment or patience to teach each trick during a flight.
In the How to fly an airplane handbook, you can learn all the details about operating an airplane. You’ll identify why the aircraft behaved as it did on your last flight and how to prevent it from happening the next time.
A flight instructor may think sharing a piece of information is unworthy, but the author of this book generously shared everything.
After reading this book, your flight performance will improve, and you’ll readily get your first solo flight. As a result, you would be ready to get your PPL before many others.
There is an excellent book by FAA that you can find for free on FAA’s website.
The airplane flying handbook is in plain language and offers on-point instructions to become better at flying. However, this book misses all the details you can find in Rod Machado’s book.
The airplane flying handbook is in comprehendible language for better clarity.
If you prefer a hard copy, you can order it online.
Students mostly struggle during takeoffs and landings. An inexpensive course from Rod Machado is available to master the art of takeoffs and landings.
Yet again, the best alternative book to learn practical flying is the Airplane Flying Handbook from FAA.
You can find the airplane flying handbook on Amazon. The book is inexpensive, unlike the How to fly an airplane handbook.
The airplane flying handbook by FAA is in comprehensive language, but this book contains significantly less content than the first choice.
If you are a visual learner, you can enroll in this short course and watch the flying lessons.
Oral exam guide for building confidence to face the examiner on your private pilot checkride.
Now that you are at the final stage of your private pilot training, you must prepare for your checkride.
At this stage of your private pilot training, you will naturally be ready to answer all the questions of your designated pilot examiner. However, it’s better to recognize the questions to anticipate during your oral exam.
Checkride is often intimidating for student pilots. Many student pilots fail their checkride because they are not confident.
Designated pilot examiners are predominantly friendly, yet student pilots fret over what a check pilot may ask.
Hence it would be best if you prepared for your checkride. A check pilot wouldn’t ask you anything outside the stage of your pilot training.
In case a pilot asks you something beyond a private pilot’s knowledge, understand that you have already satisfied the check pilot, and he is testing what else you know.
It means the check-ride oral exam and practical exam are straightforward. If you use the above private pilot study materials, as I explained in this article, you’ll pass your checkride.
However, to prepare for all the questions, your examiner might ask, read the private pilot oral exam guide thoroughly.
Private pilot checkride has two parts:
- The oral exam: The DPE will ask scenario-based questions relevant to your navigational Flightplan;
- The practical exam: It’s a cross-country flight, and you will demonstrate maneuvers according to the ACS.
The private pilot oral exam guide aims to boost your confidence.
To pass a private pilot knowledge test, you need a test prep to practice the questions and answers. An oral exam guide functions similarly to preparing for the checkride oral exam.
Studying an oral exam guide is familiarizing yourself with the questions designated pilot examiners (DPE) typically ask.
After reading this book, you’ll know what to expect on your checkride oral exam and how to answer them briefly to make the grade.
At this stage of private pilot training, a student pilot knows most of the information, but explaining it to an examiner in an organized way makes all the difference.
What issues may you face without this book?
This book is essential to pass your private pilot checkride. If you can’t meet your Designated pilot examiner’s high hopes, you’ll fail the checkride.
As a result, waiting until you’re ready to re-take the checkride and obtaining a private pilot license will be delayed.
Use the FAA Airmen Certification Standards (ACS) to understand the essential skills of a private pilot and what you may need to demonstrate to your Designated Pilot Examiner.
Airmen Certification Standards is not truly an alternative but an essential book for aspiring pilots.
By studying this book, you’ll know what is expected from a competent pilot. You’ll learn the specialities of conducting safe flights.
The ACS is a must-have book for preparing for the private pilot checkride. The Designated pilot examiner would ask you to demonstrate different flight maneuvers during your practical exam.
The designated pilot examiner will examine your performance.
It’s essential to know all the basic maneuvers and perform them precisely to satisfy the DPE.
The DPE’s priority is to ensure you’re well-experienced in performing maneuvers and conducting safe flights.
The ACS gives you the big picture of what to expect and perform in your practical exam for a private pilot license.
What issues may you encounter without this book?
Without this book, you would not know the basic standards for becoming a private pilot. Naturally, you would stick to knowing what you learned only from your flight instructor.
So, to have an overview of the airman certification principles, you must go through this book.
RELATED: Checkride Prep Materials.
FAR/AIM to refer to FAA regulation and Aerodrome information as necessary.
The last book I find essential for pilots of all stages is the update FAR/AIM.
This book details all the Federal Aviation Regulations and Aerodrom information.
It’s best to keep a hard copy of this book handy. You can keep the PDF version on your iPad, but having a book aids in an emergency.
As a pilot, you must be aware of all the Federal Aviation Regulations to operate safe flights.
Rules and regulations are crucial for ensuring safety. By studying the rules, you can prevent yourself from harm’s way.
On the other hand, during your private pilot knowledge test, you’ll encounter questions related to Aviation regulations. The updated answers to those questions are in the current version of this book.
It doesn’t mean you’ve to purchase this book every year. Having the most updated version is adequate for learning the fundamentals of flight operations in Federal airspace.
FAR/AIM stands for: Federal Aviation Regulations/Aeronautical Information Manual.
As a pilot, you must know the aviation regulations to maintain a safe flight.
The FAR/AIM contains all the rules and regulations for flying in American airspace. Thus, it’s an essential book for all pilots operating in the USA.
Pilots flying in other countries must refer to their respective Civil Aviation regulation books. Though Federal aviation regulation is the mother of almost all civil aviation regulations, it’s best to refer to individual regulations to avoid treacherous situations.
Following improper regulations can jeopardize the safety of your flight. However, having this book is a must if you’re operating in the United States.
This book also has all the Aeronautical Information required to fly and operate in various airports in the USA.
Having all this information in your spare is critical at times.
6. Pilot Weather.
Weather is a crucial aspect of flying. Yet, many VFR pilots don’t realize the need to understand the weather. Private pilots may think understanding the weather is explicitly for IFR pilots only. This ignorance can lead to a catastrophe for pilots.
Weather makes flying very challenging unless you know how to avoid weather. An intelligent pilot knows the dangers and limits of weather flying. This book teaches you everything about aviation weather.
Price: $ 72.15
There is a book about aviation weather, and private pilots rarely consider reading this book.
Reading this book would keep private pilots out of danger.
Imagine you take off one day, and before you know it, the weather changes. What would you do in this situation?
I know private pilots train to avoid adverse weather. Remember this: weather is unpredictable, and a lot happens in nature surrounding us.
If you read this book, you’ll learn precisely when and how to prevent exposure to adverse weather and perhaps even save your life.
Despite having experienced pilots in the cockpit, many airliners had fatalities only because of bad weather.
Indeed, IFR pilots must learn about aviation weather and decipher weather reports and forecasts.
It’s not any less critical for a VFR pilot to predict the weather and how the aeroplane would react in such weather.
Pilot Weather is a meteorology book explicitly published for pilots to become great at their profession.
Both meteorology and aviation are fascinating subjects, and this book is a must-read for all pilots, regardless of their stage of training.
What issues may you face without reading this book?
A seasonal private pilot who flies once in a while and selects the best weather for flying may not need this book. However, a pilot who flies regularly or is a private pilot building hours to become a commercial pilot undoubtedly needs this book.
Not knowing the weather and wildly predicting the weather can be fatal for you and your passengers.
This book is to help all pilots, from students to professional airline pilots.
What are the alternatives to Pilot Weather?
A popular book among pilots about aviation weather is Weather Flying. It describes a pilot’s journey and shares his experience flying in various weather conditions.
Though the book is an excellent read, many materials in that book are irrelevant today.
In this age, advanced technology makes many things more manageable, and Weather Flying is not the best book to refer to if you want to become a great pilot.
Yet, if you have the time and want to look at this book, you can find it in any pilot store.
In this article, I mentioned the only study materials to get your private pilot license as a competent pilot.
The books mentioned here can be used by both PART 141 and PART 61 pilots.
Some books are pricey, but you always get what you pay for. Most pilot training books are like investments that can aid you throughout your entire flight training.
Regardless, I mentioned inexpensive alternatives for each book.
Some books are essential, but the first two books are adequate to pass your private pilot knowledge test and checkride during your entire flight training.
Lastly, I want to mention that piling up your shelf with aviation books won’t help if you don’t put effort into becoming an intelligent pilot.
- Best online private pilot ground school;
- How to study for the Private pilot written exam?;
- Private pilot oral exam questions;
- How to study for the private pilot checkride?;
- Private pilot checkride prep;
Student pilots are often on a budget and only pick the essential products for their pilot training. Instead of listing budget-friendly products for student pilots, most bloggers are busy trying to make a sale.
I won’t compromise a fellow pilot’s money for my gain. Thus I listed only the crucial products for a student pilot and the cheaper alternatives.
I’ll go straight to the point. Student pilots need all these items for private pilot training and beyond. Depending on your current stage, you can figure out what’s necessary and useless.
- Online private pilot ground school;
- Must-have books for student pilots:
- Flight bag;
- Headset;
- Pilot’s logbook;
- Flight kneeboard;
- iPad;
- Aircraft fuel strainer/Tester;
- Map – VFR Sectional Chart;
- VFR navigation flight planner;
- Rotating flight plotter;
- Aviator Sunglasses;
- E6B flight computer.
The materials listed above are adequate to complete your private pilot training; likewise, you can use them for further flight training.
The overpriced bundle of private pilot training kits disappoints me! Don’t buy them —order student pilot essential materials individually.
What should a student pilot essentially buy for private pilot training?
Before buying each product, ask yourself whether this product benefits your training. Because, in the end, you know what works best for you.
Every product has its purpose and contributes to your training in multiple ways:
- Some materials allow you to grasp aeronautical knowledge with ease;
- Others aid in improving in-flight performance;
- Helps focus on CFI’s instructions without distraction;
- Some help students prepare for cross-country flights ahead of time;
- A few items are necessary to organize materials inside the cockpit for better management;
- Lastly, all gears reduce a pilot’s stress and ease decision-making.
Later in this post, I explained why, how, and when to use each tool to ease a student pilot’s life.
Online private pilot ground school.
Aeronautical knowledge can be overwhelming in the beginning. It would help if you put effort into learning and revising each subject multiple times to understand.
Using an online private pilot ground school, you can re-watch each video multiple times over the years as you have lifetime access to the program.
You can’t be a good pilot without fundamental aeronautical knowledge. Understanding aeronautical topics and applying them when necessary is critical for safe flights.
You can acquire the exact knowledge by studying books. However, there is a vital aspect to enrolling in an online ground school.
Why is an online PPL ground school essential for student pilots?
A PART 61 student pilot needs several endorsements to become a private pilot. A private pilot knowledge test endorsement is essential to take the test.
You can get the knowledge test endorsement by completing an online ground school and passing the exam within each program.
After you receive the knowledge test endorsement, you can register and take the FAA PPL knowledge test.
I recommend PART 61 student pilots complete their online ground school and pass the FAA private pilot knowledge test before they begin their flight training.
What are the alternatives for online PPL ground school?
Several private pilot ground school courses are available online, and all are competitively priced. Yet some systems have abundant aeronautical information, and some don’t have detailed classes.
Typically choose the one from veteran flight instructors because experienced flight instructors can articulate information clearly and instill it in student pilots’ minds forever.
RELATED: Is online ground school worth it?
Must-have books for student pilots.
Typically, ground school comes before actual flight training; thus, having the right books is essential to prepare for the actual flight.
A pilot always has to keep learning. So let’s start with the books I think are best for kickstarting your private pilot training.
1. Rod Machado’s Private Pilot Handbook.
It would be best if you had Rod Machado’s private pilot handbook to acquire detailed aeronautical knowledge at any time.
Taking an online ground school helps, but reading a book gives you more detailed information. Reading a book instils knowledge in your memory for a long time.
Thus having this book is crucial for maturing in flying.
Why is this book essential for student pilots?
To become an intelligent pilot, you must continuously learn. Though aviation and aeronautics are exciting subjects, studying them can often be tedious.
Nevertheless, Rod Machado made the topics more interesting to read.
Rod Machado used transparent language, clear graphics, and images to keep studying fun in this book. I prefer this book over other books because this book is captivating.
The information in this book is easy to grasp and aids in theory and practical flying during training.
What is the alternative for Rod Machado’s Private Pilot Handbook?
The best alternative to Rod Machado’s book is Private Pilot Guided Flight Discovery by Jeppesen.
Jeppesen did an excellent job describing topics using illustrations and images in the book. The colourful images are fun to watch while studying.
However, I find the language in Jeppesen’s books challenging to grasp. Jeppesen’s Guided Flight Discovery is a beginner’s book, yet Rod Machado’s books are more decipherable.
You can’t be mistaken about choosing either of these books. They are famous among student pilots for how well they correspond.
2. “How to fly an Airplane Handbook” by Rod Machado.
As a student pilot, most of your flight hours will be in VFR conditions. You’ll have difficulty controlling and maneuvering the airplane as a novice student pilot.
It’s because you don’t know how to control an airplane or when to maneuver it.
You must pay attention to numerous minor details to control an airplane smoothly.
It’s not always possible for a Flight instructor to teach every detail about airplane control. Although flight instructors teach student pilots the basic maneuvers, they miss many important aspects of controlling the aircraft.
Rod Machado’s How to Fly an Airplane Handbook contains tons of tips and information on having a butter-smooth VFR flying experience.
In a VFR flight, you will use visual references outside the aircraft to fly and make perfect landings.
Many student pilots initially struggled to control the airplane using visual reference reasoning. The student doesn’t own the aircraft; instead, the airplane holds the student.
A novice student pilot commonly falls behind the aircraft. To understand many details about aircraft operations in the sky, you must read this book by Rod Machado.
Though you fly with a veteran flight instructor, a flight instructor can’t train and teach you everything about safe flying during flight training.
Often the flight instructors are too busy teaching you how to control the airplane and forget to mention the most straightforward techniques to make VFR flights more enjoyable.
The How to fly an airplane handbook can play a massive role for student pilots at this stage.
You will see noticeable improvements in your VFR flying once you read this book and apply it during your flight training.
As a student pilot myself, I struggled to land the airplane smoothly. However, I prioritized getting my first solo as early as possible.
Rod Machado’s How to Fly an Airplane Handbook is essential for student pilots to get their solo flight quicker and master all the basic maneuvers for VFR flights.
Trust me, reading this book will help you grasp aircraft control quicker, and you will not be overwhelmed during your flight with airplane control.
This book has no second best to get your solo flight sooner and surprise your flight instructor with your improved performance.
RELATED: Common student pilot mistakes to avoid.
3. Gleim Private Pilot FAA Knowledge Test.
Assuming you have finished your private pilot ground schooling and have flown adequate hours to get your pilot license.
It is time to take exams in civil aviation to obtain your private pilot license, and you do not know what questions you will have to answer.
That is when the Gleim Private Pilot FAA Knowledge Test is crucial.
This book contains materials from FAA reference materials. Everything you read in this book will prepare you for your private pilot knowledge test.
All the questions you will practice in Gleim Private Pilot Knowledge Test Prep are relevant to the FAA test papers.

Prepare yourself with this book; no obstacles will stop you from passing your private pilot license exams.
The sooner you pass your exams, the sooner you get a private pilot license.
Is a flight bag essential for student pilots?
A flight bag is a must-buy. Flight bags are designed especially for pilots, and their purpose is to ease a pilot’s life.
You may have to carry several things during the flight, and bringing them in a regular bag can be troublesome.
Though a student pilot’s flight bag is not large, it can accommodate all the essential materials for a student pilot’s flight training. Flight bags are designed to access all vital tools quickly.
Why is a flight bag essential for pilot training?
Carrying numerous things in flying lessons and having them in your spare whenever you need them can be time-consuming if your bag is clumsy.
A flight bag organizes and has a compartment for each flight tool. Thus having a flight bag makes flight training smoother.
If you are busy organizing things inside the tiny cockpit of a trainer aircraft, how can you focus on flying lessons and what your flight instructor says?
Don’t hinder the flight training, and buy a flight bag. It’s the first thing every student pilot must buy before getting into the aircraft.
A regular briefcase will do the job, but unfortunately, an ordinary briefcase is inconvenient for student pilots.
Therefore, buy a durable bag to accommodate all the student pilot gear and essentials. A flight bag gives student pilots easy access to pilot gear and contributes to better cockpit management.
As a student pilot, the least you want is poor cockpit management while struggling to control the airplane.
Traditional flight bags are convenient and best for pilots.
The Lightspeed aviation flight bag is a perfect bag for student pilots that they can use for a long time.
What is the alternative to this flight bag?
The Lightspeed Aviation flight bag is durable but a bit pricey. For student pilots reluctant to spend extra, I recommend the Oakley Stealth Backpack.
The Oakley stealth backpack is a multi-purpose backpack. Its sole purpose is not to ease a pilot’s life, yet it’s a spacious bag.
If you are a pilot who rides a motorbike to the airport, this Oakley backpack would be easier for you to carry.
Oakley bags are durable and great looking too. This backpack does not look as sexy as the Lightspeed Aviation flight bag, but if you want to save some bucks, this is your best alternative.

If you are a student pilot beginning your flight training, then this Oakley backpack is the right choice:
- The bag is decently priced compared to a Jeppesen’s flight bag;
- At the same time, very sturdy;
- Adequate space inside the bag to take extra clothes for your next cross-country flight.
The only con of this bag is that it’s not the most stylish bag for pilots. Nevertheless, it’s a practical bag to use.
Oakley did not design this backpack for pilots, yet this backpack seems the most suitable for carrying student pilot gear and essentials.
RELATED: Common student pilot mistakes to avoid.
Headset for student pilots.
A headset is an essential gear for pilots. In the beginning, you might think borrowing a headset from the flight school is better as you can save some cash not buying a headset.
Eventually, you’ll figure out so many issues with borrowed headsets.
Often borrowed headsets are unhygienic because many students leave their sweat on a pair of headsets.
Occasionally you’ll find no available headsets to borrow and might have to cancel your flight. This may not seem like a real problem, but it’s more common than you think.
If you don’t want to spend a thousand bucks on a pricey headset, go for an inexpensive headset as a student pilot and upgrade to a better one in the future.
A decent headset can aid you in communication throughout your private pilot training without any issues.
RELATED: Best headset for student pilots.
Why is it essential to have a headset?
A headset is a key component for communication during any flight. For a student pilot, it’s essential to learn communication using a headset to conduct safe flights.
I listed several headsets for student pilots in this article. I recommend everyone invest in a pricey headset that can last a lifetime.
However, I understand student pilots are mainly on a budget, so spending those extra dollars for a fancy headset is not viable.
For student pilots beginning their journey, you can buy the David Clark H10-13.4. It’s affordable and has excellent sound quality with durability.

- David Clarks headsets are affordable and durable without any issues;
- The David Clark H10-13.4 is the best headset in this price range;
- It is a decent headset to do the job;
- Cancels sufficient background noise;
- Moderate clamping pressure on your ears during a long flight.
A regular headset will work fine if you can endure the uncomfortable clamping pressure during long cross-country flights. The pressure on your ears will be annoying during flight training.
This David Clark headset would serve its purpose during private pilot training and beyond.
RELATED: Best David Clark Headsets.
What is the alternative for student pilots?
The David Clarks are nice-looking, durable headsets. But David Clark H10-13.4 is not the best in quality.
According to most student and professional pilots, Bose A20 headsets are the best headset for general aviation.

- This BOSE A20 headset cancels more noise than any other regular headset.
- It has significantly lesser clamping force on your ears than its other counterparts.
- BOSE A20 headset also offers Bluetooth connectivity for the pilot during flight.
Bose A20 aviation headsets are a bit pricey, but you get what you pay for. Excellent support and a great performing headset with passive noise cancellation. The Bose A20 headset will last a lifetime without any issues.
A pricey headset is not necessary during the early stages of your flight training. The David Clark Headset mentioned above will do the job right.
Pilots Logbook.
If you fly all the hours without logging in to a logbook, how would you keep track of your flying hours?

A pilot’s logbook is essential, and online versions of pilot logbooks are available today. Yet, every pilot must have a traditional pilot’s logbook.
I believe a traditional logbook is always safer than having a digital version.
The only drawback of a paper logbook is that it has limited pages, and as you accumulate flying hours, you have to add more logbooks to your student pilot essentials.
What are the alternatives?
There are many options for traditional logbooks. Most of them don’t have any significant difference.
Thus buying any standard logbook, such as one of the logbooks by ASA, would do the job perfectly. This logbook has adequate pages to log hours for a private pilot license and hours to become a commercial pilot.
Flight Kneeboard is essential for student pilots.
A flight kneeboard is essential for student pilots to tidy up necessary documents in flight.
You need access to multiple pieces of information to enhance your awareness inside the cockpit and conduct flights safely.
Imagine having all the information on sheets of paper unorganized inside the training aircraft cockpit.
A flight kneeboard helps a student pilot by making all these sheets of paper accessible and manageable. By using a flight kneeboard, multi-tasking becomes effortless and improves cockpit management.

What are the alternatives?
There are varieties of flight kneeboards available online. Not all of these kneeboards are suitable for student pilots.
Some kneeboards are made for military pilots, and others for commercial pilots. As a student pilot, choose a kneeboard suitable for the size of your training aircraft.
MyGoFlight kneeboard is a pricey alternative for student pilots. However, if you have an iPad and need to attach your iPad with a kneeboard, then the MyGoFlight flight kneeboard is the most suitable option.
RELATED: Do student pilots need an iPad?
iPad for private pilot training.
iPads weren’t essential for pilot training a decade ago. But today, it’s a necessary device for student pilots.
You can continue your pilot training without an iPad, but having an iPad will make your training activities much less stressful.
Student pilots buy iPad to ease their trouble during their flight training. However, too much dependency on an iPad during your general aviation flight training can be harmful too.
Learning to do tasks manually is often helpful for student pilots.
If your iPad runs out of battery and you are too dependent on an iPad, you might run out of luck with your iPad’s battery.
Regardless, iPads are essential for pilots throughout their careers in this modern age.
What are the alternatives to an iPad?
Any android device is a good alternative to an iPad. But most applications created for pilots are only available for Apple devices. So, having an android device is not always beneficial.
Most useful pilot applications are available for iPad users only.
RELATED: Which is the best iPad for flight school?
Aircraft Fuel Strainer/Tester.
Before each flight, you must check the fuel for contaminants and water. It’s crucial to test if your flight is the first fight of the day. To do so, you need a fuel tester.
You can either look for a fuel tester in the hangar or borrow from your pilot friend. Anyhow, you must inspect the fuel to safeguard your flight.
The convenient way is to have a fuel tester of your own. It’s a cheap product and widely available online.

What are the fuel tester variants?
There are fuel testers similar to the picture above, which are easy to carry in your flight bag.
The other variant is the fuel tester cup. The fuel tester cups are preferred by some pilots but require space inside the flight bag to carry.
VFR sectional chart/Map.
To conduct cross-country flights, you need a VFR sectional chart/map. Today maps are on an iPad. So, many student pilots don’t find physical sectional charts essential anymore.
However, not having a paper map in flight can be dangerous.
As I mentioned above, your iPad can run out of battery, so you’ll be left without a map.
Do you think getting lost in the sky as a student pilot is an option?
I don’t take foolish chances, and I recommend student pilots carry a sectional map of their area to conduct safe flights.
Check into your local pilot shop for the designated map of your area. Ask your flight training school, and they can suggest something too.
A map is crucial for student pilots to learn cross-country flight planning.
VFR Navigation Flight Planner.
Planning your flights every time before you take off significantly reduces the chances of error in conducting flights.
To plan a cross-country flight, a VFR navigation flight planner is essential.
Planning a cross-country flight and using it during a flight reduce a pilot’s stress.
Rotating Flight Plotter.
To plan a cross-country flight, you require magnetic heading and the distance between your departure and arrival point. To do so, you need a rotating flight plotter.
Though there are online resources available today to prepare a flight plan. It’s handy to have a rotating flight plotter.
Entirely relying on digital resources is not always the best option. As a backup in case of urgency, it’s best to keep a rotating flight plotter in your spare.

E6B Flight Computer.
E6B flight computers are not used during flight training nowadays. An iPad eased so many tasks and replaced multiple tools for pilots today.
Learning to use an E6B flight computer is essential for student pilots. However, the E6B flight computer is vital for student pilots. It is helpful during many incidents of actual flight.
Thus, learning to use an E6B flight computer is essential for student pilots.
What are the alternatives?
Many student pilots prefer to buy an electronic flight computer, which is the right thing to do today. But during flight training ground classes, you will learn to use a manual E6B flight computer.
An iPad can also be considered an E6B flight computer alternative. Many applications on an iPad perform as a flight computer. So having an iPad can function as an alternative tool today.
RELATED: Which is the best iPad for flight school?
Aviator Sunglasses.
Going to the airport on a sunny day? I wouldn’t consider going to the airport on a sunny day without a pair of sunglasses and a cap.
Sunglasses are a must for student pilots.
You must protect your eyes while walking to your hangar on a sunny day. Though you’ll get used to the atmosphere in general aviation, buy sunglasses to protect your eyes if you can afford them.
Aviator sunglasses are not expensive and are designed for pilots. The most popular aviator sunglasses are by Ray-Ban.
Buy Ray-Ban aviator sunglasses once, and you can use them for years. Additionally, you’ll look elegant in your uniform wearing sunglasses.
You can check Jomashop to order your first pair of Aviator Sunglasses.
Thank you so much this was the most helpful thing for someone just getting into aeronautics.
I am glad I could help. 🙂